Málstofa um greiningu á alþjóðlegum peningastraumum í nýmarkaðsríkjum í dag
Í dag, fimmtudaginn 12. desember kl. 15:00, verður málstofa haldin í fundarsal Seðlabankans á fyrstu hæð, Sölvhóli. Fummælandi er Kristin Ann Van Gaasbeck sem er prófessor við California State University og núna Fulbright kennari við hagfræðideild Háskóla Íslands.
Efni málstofunnar á íslensku er „Ný tæki fyrir nýja tíma: Greining á alþjóðlegum peningastraumum í nýmarkaðsríkjum"
Fyrirlesturinn fer fram á ensku og er ágrip hans á ensku sem hér segir:
Using a weekly panel data set of 13 countries from 2000 to 2012, this research examines the transmission of U.S. monetary policy shocks to emerging markets before and after the global financial crisis. Earlier work relies on the federal funds rate to measure U.S. monetary policy. The fed funds rate has remained unchanged since the onset of the crisis, yet the Federal Reserve has implemented expansionary policy through quantitative easing. We measure the effects this policy using growth in the Federal Reserve balance sheet. Compared with earlier studies, we analyse not only a longer sample period, but also a larger cross section in our panel dataset of emerging markets. Our results indicate that earlier findings are sensitive to which emerging markets are included in the sample. When controlling for country-specific risk, global risk, and other macroeconomic variables, we find that while capital controls lead to higher interest rates in emerging markets on average, these controls are more effective in insulating countries from U.S. monetary policy shocks in the post-crisis period. Our results are robust to measures of country-specific risk and capital controls.